Sunday, June 7, 2009


Cynism, a word that some might have confused with cynicism(which is well, ubi chee yong nian, aka School grass(mandarin translation) one)
Cynism, a word brought about by our beloved King for which god bless him and his country(which according to guiness book of record is the smallest country in the world, ousting Vatican City, take that, carmelengo ventressca. King's country is well, small about 12 by 20 feet like that nia. which is even smaller than well, oh sod it, nevermind)
Cynism started a long time ago but only took us, his loyal subjects to notice it until now. It is named after our King CY(long live the king!!) it basically teaches and influence his subjects to be like him, which incidentally is WHAT EVERYONE WANTS!! ooo... we are so damn lucky.
So by the decree of KING CY, his loyal subjects must be able to:

1. You must have done every bad thing in the world except suan-ing others.(other bad thing includes bluffing and telling lies)
2. You must be a pro at suan or risked being corroded when speaking to HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS.
3. We must obey the KING and his QUEEN, which incidentally all his subjects knew what who it is for she is going to leave us soon to go to a land far far away. (god, i'm making this sound like a fairy tale story)
4. We must always applaud the KING whenver he speaks, got good marks and making a presentation and eng kang it to other people so they can share the joy and make more applause which the his royal highness obviously likes.
5. Never ever stand up when talking to the KING, for he talking to people with his head held up high.
6. We must always praise the Royal Car which is Perodua Kembara for it is THE BEST CAR IN THE WORLD.
7. We cannot pick up the king's royal plate or tupperware because it will be too heavy for us and break our hands.
8. We must be obedient so we can be accepted into the Royal Court for they only accept people who's in SOBA (School of Obedient Band 6 Actors), which the King is the Royal Patron and Head Chief.
9. There is NO DEMOCRATIC in King CY country, no one is better than King CY and those that says democratic shall face his Royal Wrath.

well, thats all a stupid royal subject like me can think of. If any royal subjects out there knows any other CYnism rules, please tell me so i can add it into my post. Thanks


Calvin said...

The new revolusion!

Zheng Lik said...

the rebellion against the king now?

Zen said...

ya, but according to king's way of speech, he always talk backwards, so when he Means we are democratic, he means NO DEMOCRATIC!!