Monday, January 19, 2009

Paintball!! Game On!!!

Paintball has got to be the best extream sport in the world!!! join paintball club at school to try out how it feels to shoot people and get shot at. haha..
My school paintball practice is at the Indian Association field beside the old Phor Tay school there. You can pay 30 bucks for 2oo bullets or pellets to play. The place is open everyday but must make reservation during weekdays.
Went there early already got a group of people playing paintball, the only paintball format here is speedball whereas the one at Bukit Gambir there is rackball.
Went there got introduction first.
This is the bullets in the pot. 1 pot got 100 bullets(they are so pricey) they feel squishy but hurts a lot if kena your body.

The protection vest. looks a lot like the ones that swat team always wears during raids. lol, its very comfy actually, not too tight and hot.

The paintball gun or called marker. it is powered by co2 gas in the black cylinder attached to it.
this is a spyder marker, a mechanical one used by newbies. haha.. yeng le, but my seniors one more yeng(got electronics one)

The mask.(looks a lot like darth vader. lol) so cool design but seniors one more yeng got reflective visor one. ooo.The whole basic complete kit for the game.
The balloon like thingy is called bunker. each one have different names like can, bed, tombstone, A, snake, doritos(dunno how to spell), temple, roti and etc.. one of the seniors take me into the field and explain the techniques of holding the marker, ducking, shooting, sliding, sprinting, the names of the bunkers and the rules of the game.
I then go out of the field and watch my seniors play, they say learn from observation ma. Seniors taking up positions in the field before starting. the one with the pink cap is a girl. omg..

Seniors hiding behind the snake barrack. providing cover fire.

This white shirt guy sipek geng, he didn't wear shoes for the every game and he only died once. he is called samurai on that day because he didn't wear shoes and do fly-bys successfully by killing his foes bare-footed. omg ness.. he even can kill three person when he is the only guy left in his team! sifu!!!

The girl act as a back guard and her aiming sipek geng. she loves pink and her marker is also pink and only 2 markers like hers in asia. wow!!
After this is my turn to join them. i go for a tutorial for a 2v2 scenario where i shot one person and then get shot myself. after a few rounds. the game is on!
"Players ready? 5 seconds to 3 seconds warning! Game on!" then phut phut phut went the pellets. i run and dodge. hiding behind baracks while shouting enemy positions to my team.
Do a fly-by once and hit the guy with 5 or 6 pellets and his shirt goes orange in colour. lol. after that, when coming out to aim, kena stray bullet straight to the head. Headshot! i went outside to watch the remainder. (win la of course)
Then play another game, didn't die. haha, just kill one guy nia.
last game, got shot after killing another guy. senior say i was exposed so i kena a shot to my eye, the result:

:P if that is real bullet, i am an angel now. haha.

The view from inside the visor. eww, like puke colour. lol

Went home after that and it is so fun!! so guys, wanna play next time?i know how to play d. hehe


Zheng Lik said...

i want to play alsooo!!!!

Zen said...

come la zlik! we all set one day then panggil ppl go. you know where right?paintball is so so coool!!!! will get addicted lar. lol

Anonymous said...

Hi, can u tell me the exact address of it and the name of the paintball arena?Any contact information of it?

Zen said...

ya, it's right beside the old phor tay high school in penang at the field of the malasian indian association there. name i dont think have contact i will get for u. ^^